Walter Messner GmbH
Your partner for diamond polishing, pathology and cutting grinding technique
We are the specialists when it comes to the production of diamond polishing agents and your partner in the field of cutting grinding technology in pathology.

See for yourself: get to know our products and us better. Take a look around our website or contact us directly. We look forward to meeting you!

Under the registered trademarks dia-plus as well as liqui-plus, we manufacture and distribute high-quality diamond polishing agents for polishing and lapping work with which optical quality is achieved. Specifically, these are diamond pastes, diamond suspensions, diamond sprays and diamond microns. We supply these directly to users in the fields of mould making, lapping machines, quality assurance, medical technology, optics, etc. as well as to resellers.

The name “dia-plus” covers the trading segment with high-quality polishing accessories: Here we offer users equipment, tools and aids from renowned manufacturers for polishing work in tool and mould making.
With the product group patho-service, we operate successfully on the market under the trademarks “patho-service” and “cut-grinder”. Under these product names, we produce and supply equipment for fine cutting as well as the thin sectioning technique and the respective accessories.
These special devices for e.g. pathologists, anatomists, metallographers, mineralogists and geologists were developed in many years of intensive cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Karl Donath and are constantly being further developed by us.

Walter Messner // Your reliable partner since 1982
Up close and personal.

We are regularly represented at trade conferences and exhibitions throughout Germany. This gives you the opportunity to get to know us personally and our products at close quarters. We look forward to meeting you!

Do you have any questions or would you like some advice?
We are just a phone call away!
Walter Messner GmbH
Barsbütteler Weg 6
22113 Oststeinbek
Phone +4940 / 714 873-0