Our diamond products are used wherever the highest quality and precision count. Our range can be summarised in two groups:
dia-plus // diamond polishing compounds, polishing equipment and accessories

Under the registered trademarks dia-plus as well as liqui-plus, we manufacture and distribute high-quality diamond polishing compunds for polishing and lapping work, with which optical quality is achieved. Specifically, these are diamond pastes, diamond slurries, diamond sprays and microns. We supply these directly to users in the fields of mould making, lapping machines, quality assurance, medical technology, optics etc. as well as to resellers.
The name “Polishing World” covers the trading segment with high-quality polishing accessories: Here we offer users equipment, tools and aids from renowned manufacturers for polishing work in tool and mould making.
patho-service // cutting and grinding technology

With the second product group “pathology and cutting grinding technique” we operate successfully on the market under the trademarks “patho-service” and “cut-grinder”. Under these product names, we produce and supply equipment for fine cutting as well as the cutting grinding technique and the respective accessories.
These special devices for e.g. pathologists, anatomists, metallographers, mineralogists and geologists were developed in many years of intensive cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Karl Donath and are constantly being further developed by us. Exact cuts and excellent grindings are indispensable in quality assurance. Our equipment (tools and machines) has been convincing customers in the fields of materials technology, metallography and quality testing for years.
What can we do for you?
Would you like to learn more about us and our first-class products? Just contact us: we look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!
Phone +49 40 714 873-0